Introduction to intercultural communication: identities in a global community

Jandt, Fred E

Introduction to intercultural communication: identities in a global community - 5 - New Delhi Sage Publications 2007 - xx,444 p. 23 cm ; Pbk

The dispute over defining culture --
Defining communication as an element of culture --
Culture's influence on perception --
Barriers to intercultural communication --
Nonverbal communication --
Language as a barrier --
Dimensions of culture --
Dominant U.S. cultural patterns : using value orientation theory --
Comparative cultural patterns : Arab culture --
Women, families, and children --
Contact between cultures --
Immigration and acculturation --
Cultures in marginalization and separation and segregation --
Assimilation and integration --
Identity and subgroups.

Covers a range of material including a historical framework to view the development of the topics; an integration of media as a variable in the advancement of issues and ideas; and illustrative material, such as vignettes, quotes, cases, and stories to keep the student's attention and provoke thought while challenging existing viewpoints.


Communication, International
United States
Intercultural communication

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