Lasse Heje Pedersen

Efficiently inefficient : how smart money invests and market prices are determined - New Jersey Princeton University Pres 2015 - xiv, 348p. 24cm. Rs.2565/-

The Main Themes in Three Simple Tables vii Preface xi Who Should Read the Book? xiv Acknowledgments xv About the Author xvii Introduction 1 i. Efficiently Inefficient Markets 3 ii. Global Trading Strategies: Overview of the Book 7 iii. Investment Styles and Factor Investing 14 Part I Active Investment 17 Chapter 1 Understanding Hedge Funds and Other Smart Money 19 Chapter 2 Evaluating Trading Strategies: Performance Measures 27 Chapter 3 Finding and Backtesting Strategies: Profiting in Efficiently Inefficient Markets 39 Chapter 4 Portfolio Construction and Risk Management 54 Chapter 5 Trading and Financing a Strategy: Market and Funding Liquidity 63 Part II Equity Strategies 85 Chapter 6 Introduction to Equity Valuation and Investing 87 Chapter 7 Discretionary Equity Investing 95 Interview with Lee S. Ainslie III of Maverick Capital 108 Chapter 8 Dedicated Short Bias 115 Interview with James Chanos of Kynikos Associates 127 Chapter 9 Quantitative Equity Investing 133 Interview with Cliff Asness of AQR Capital Management 158 Part III Asset Allocation and Macro Strategies 165 Chapter 10 Introduction to Asset Allocation: The Returns to the Major Asset Classes 167 Chapter 11 Global Macro Investing 184 Interview with George Soros of Soros Fund Management 204 Chapter 12 Managed Futures: Trend-Following Investing 208 Interview with David Harding of Winton Capital Management 225 Part IV Arbitrage Strategies 231 Chapter 13 Introduction to Arbitrage Pricing and Trading 233 Chapter 14 Fixed-Income Arbitrage 241 Interview with Nobel Laureate Myron Scholes 262 Chapter 15 Convertible Bond Arbitrage 269 Interview with Ken Griffin of Citadel 286 Chapter 16 Event-Driven Investments 291 Interview with John A. Paulson of Paulson & Co. 313 References 323 Index 331


Portfolio management
Investment analysis
Capital markets
