Ramappa T

Commentary on the Companies Act, 2013 : as amended by the amendment Act, 2015 - Chennai Company law institute of India Pvt. Ltd 2015 - 647 p. 24 cm ; Pbk

Book Well/28- Oct-15/791 Rs.630/-

This book is a commentary on the companies Act, 2013, as amended by the
Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015. The principal objective has been to
Explain the basic principles of this new law on companies, illustrating the
Application of the law through relevant decisions of the supreme court of
India, and other courts and other quasi-judicial bodies as the company Law
Board, almost all of them on issues under the 1956Act. since this Act and its
predecessors have been largely patterned on the lines of the companies
Act, in force in the U.K. from time to time, the latest being the companies Act,
2006, U.K., the corresponding sections of that law have been discussed. As
there can be no question that some of the landmark cases in company raw
have been laid down by the House of Lords and other courts subordinate to it
and which have been consistently and continuously retried upon by the
Supreme court of India, many of them have been quote and discussed in
this book, in the belief that the readers of the book would benefit by finding
those cases all atone place.

Companies Act

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