Microfinance in India : approaches, outcomes, challenges - New Delhi Routledge 2015 - x, 218 pages : illustrations 22 cm; Hard

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Preface. Acknowledgements. 1. Vignettes in Transformation: Indian Microfinance since the 1990s Tara S. Nair 2. SHG Intermediation and Women's Agency: A View from Tamil Nadu K. Kalpana 3. The Transformational Potential of Microfinance: Two Case Studies Anurekha Chari-Wagh 4. Integrating Microfinance Clients with the Formal Financial System: A Study of Two Villages D. Yeswanth 5. Microfinance and the Dynamics of Financial Vulnerability: Lessons from Rural India Isabelle Guerin, Marc Roesch, Santosh Kumar, G. Venkatasubramanian, and Mariam Sangare 6. Matching Finance with Client Needs: Some Pointers from a Field Study Savita Shankar 7. Supporting Rural Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Beyond Microfinance Lina Sonne 8. Microfinance and Cooperatives: An Overview Navin Anand 9. The Seen and the Unseen: Revisiting the Impact of SEWA Bank Maren Duvendack 10. Issues and Challenges before Liberal Microfinance Cooperatives: A Case Study Tara S. Nair and Rutwik J. Gandhe



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