Russell, Lou.

Leadership training: Includes all the activities handouts tools and assessments you need to create and deliver powerful effective training - New Delhi Viva Books 2017 - xiii, 201p. 28 cm ; Pbk

SRS. Rs.795/-

Section I: The Workshops
Chapter 1. Two-Day Leadership Workshop:Two-Day Workshop Objectives • Before the Workshop: Pre-Work • Two-Day Workshop Overview • Day-One Overview • Day-Two Overview • Two-Day Workshop Agenda: Day One • What to Do Between Workshop Days • Two-Day Workshop Agenda: Day Two • What to Do Next • Additional Resources
Chapter 2. One-Day Leadership Workshop: One-Day Workshop Objectives • Before the Workshop: Pre-Work • One-Day Workshop Overview • One-Day Workshop Agenda • What to Do Next • Additional Resources
Chapter 3. Two-Hour Leadership Workshop: Two-Hour Workshop Objectives • Before the Workshop: Pre-Work • Two-Hour Workshop Overview • Two-Hour Workshop Agenda • What to Do Next • Additional Resources
Chapter 4. Customizing The Leadership Training Workshop: How to Adapt the Material • Caveats • The Bare Minimum • What to Do Next

Section II: Essentials Of Effective Leadership Training
Chapter 5. Identifying Needs For Leadership Training
Why Needs Analysis? • Strategic Needs Analysis • Structured Interviews • Focus Groups • Surveys • Individual Learning Needs Analysis • The Bare Minimum • Key Points • What to Do Next • Additional Resources
Chapter 6. Understanding The Foundations Of Training Design
Basic Adult Learning Theory • More Theoretical Ideas Important to Learning • Multiple Intelligences • Whole Brain Learning • Theory into Practice • Establishing a Framework • Identifying Behaviors • Practicing • Providing Feedback • Making It Relevant • The Bare Minimum • Key Points • What to Do Next • Additional Resources
Chapter 7. Leveraging Technology To Maximize And Support Design And Delivery
Why Consider Learning Technologies? • Opportunities to Use Learning Technologies • Designing Training • Before Training • During Training • After Training • Building a Learning Community • The Bare Minimum • Key Points • What to Do Next • Additional Resources
Chapter 8. Delivering Your Leadership Workshop be A Great Facilitator
The Learning Environment • Program Preparation Checklist • Participant Materials • Handouts • Presentation Slides • Workbooks and Journals • Videos • Toys, Noisemakers, and Other Props • Facilitator Equipment and Materials • A Strong Start: Introduction, Icebreakers, and Openers • Feedback • Role Plays • Participant Presentations • Ball Toss • Journaling • Questioning Skills • Training Room and Participant Management • A Word About Dealing With Difficult Participants • An Unforgettable End • The Bare Minimum • Key Points • What to Do Next • Additional Resources
Chapter 9. Evaluating Workshop Results
Levels of Measurement • Level 1: Measuring Participant Reactions • Level 2: Measuring the Extent to Which Participants Have Learned • Level 3: Measuring the Results of Training Back on the Job • Level 4: Measuring the Organizational Impact of Training • Return on Investment • Reporting Results • The Bare Minimum • Key Points • What to Do Next • Additional Resources

Section III—Post-Workshop Learning
Chapter 10. The Follow-Up Coach
Circle of Influence Versus Control • Support Through Community • Support Through Coaching and Mentoring • Support Through Outside Associations and Opportunities • The Bare Minimum • What to Do Next • Additional Resources
Chapter 11. Follow-Up Activities
Manager Reviews • Coaching Sessions • Follow-Up Sessions • Ideas for Continuing Learning • Key Points • What to Do Next

Section IV—Workshop Supporting Documents And Online Support
Chapter 12. Learning Activities
Learning Activities Included in Leadership Training
Chapter 13. Assessments
Using Other Standard Assessments • Using 360-Degree Paper Assessments • Assessments Included in Leadership Training
Chapter 14. Handouts
Handouts Included in Leadership Training
Chapter 15. Online Tools And Downloads
Access to Free Supporting Materials • Customizable Resources • Working with the Files • PDF Documents • PowerPoint Slides
About the author

Like a great leader, a great leadership training aligns the right people to the right task at the right time.
Whether you are developing a first-rate leadership development program from scratch or adding to an existing workshop, let leadership expert and master trainer Lou Russell be your guide.
The second book in the ATD Workshop Series, Leadership Training presents a step-by-step blueprint for developing and delivering dynamic, powerful leadership training. Complete with effective training methodologies, this book helps you accelerate learning and leverage technology for maximum efficiency.You ‘ll also find tools to assess leadership strengths and weaknesses. Half-day, full-day, and two-day workshop programs found in this volume make planning easy and can be tailored for the unique needs of your organization. Supplemental resources are available online and include downloadable and customizable presentation slides, handouts, assessments, and tools.


Executives--Training of
Leadership--Study and teaching
Educational leadership

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