Manekar, Prachi -Wazalwar

National company law tribunal & national company law appellate tribunal law practice and procedure - New Delhi Bloosbury 2016 - ixx, 800 p. Pbk


This book will equip the professionals with necessary knowledge tools to practice in NCLT/NCLAT acting as your non-verbal guide to assist you in your day to day practice. Whether it is oppression and mismanagement cases or winding up matters or mergers/de-mergers or class actions, this book will help you find answers to most of your practical problems. For a new practitioner, this book will provide the necessary hand-holding for understanding the law, practice and procedure for dealing with any type of case in NCLT/NCLAT. For professionals already practicing in HC, BIFR/AAIFR or CLB, this book will prove to be invaluable in understating applicability of old case laws, resolving transitional issues arising out of transfer/abatement of existing cases, incisive analysis of new legal provisions and detailed comparison with the 1956 Act.


Corporate Law - India

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