Arora K C

Banker down the rabbit hole: insightful episodes across India and abroad - Kolkata Sashi Publications Pvt. Ltd. 2018 - 296 p. 22 cm ; Pbk


1. On the knowledge curve
2. Riding the advanced learning curve
3. A step learning cure
4. Riding the experiential curve – posting at Hong Kong
5. Riding the experiential cure – back to India
6. Discovering a new curve – the unchartered territory landing at Singapore.

Many interesting, diverse, challenging and insightful encounters the author had, during more than two decades in banking in India and Hong Kong as well as dealing with banks as a CFO of a company in Singapore, make the story of "A Banker down the Rabbit Hole". The book contains 88 episodes like mini cases with rare practical insights not found in any text book or any other book written so far. The episodes provide practical insights on management of multiple risks, frauds, people, perceptions, career, customer relations, value system, organizational culture and office dynamics and learning big from small events. About the book and the author: While working across three countries as a banker for two decades and then CFO, the diverse, interesting, challenging and insightful banking experiences, the author had, have crafted the story of “A Banker down the Rabbit Hole” to share the rare practical insights with bankers and general readers. The author now works as a Professor of Finance with BIMTECH. Contents of the book : It has 88 mini cases weaved into stories on managing Multiple Risks, People, Perceptions, Office Dynamics, Career Planning, Customer Relations, managing Value system under temptations and how great learning can be had from small events. The target audience of the book: Firstly, the bank managers in the first decade of their career will benefit the most from the practical insights to avoid pitfalls along their journey. Secondly, the Management Professionals, Management Students and General Readers will find it engaging, full of management insights and knowledge of banking of common concern to the general public, written in a simple language. They will get an amusing peep into widely perceived glamorous life of bankers full of perks and lesser known perils of being a banker.



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