Davidson Sidney.Ed.

Handbook of modern accounting - New York McGraw-Hill Book Company 1970 - xiv, vary 22 cm ; Hard

Accounting information systems

1. Basic concepts of accounting
2. Accounting principles and accountants opinions
3. Financial statements – income statements and balance sheets
4. Financial statements – statements of funds and cash flows
5. Financial statement analysis
6. Interim reports
7. The computer and modern accounting
8. Actuarial and statistical analysis in accounting
9. Mathematical models and accounting
10. Revenue recognition
11. Cash
12. Marketable securities and investments
13. Receivables
14. Inventories
15. Land
16. Natural resources
17. Building equipment
18. Depreciation
19. Goodwill
20. Other intangibles
21. Current liabilities
22. Long term liabilities
23. Leases
24. Accounting for labour
25. Pension cost
26. Contributed capital
27. Retained earnings and dividends
28. Earnings per share
29. Partnership accounting
30. Adjustments for changing prices
31. Mergers, acquisitions and pooling of interest
32. Consolidated statement
33. Foreign exchange transactions
34. Accounting for corporate income taxes
35. SEC procedures and regulations
36. Cast analysis
37. Budgeting
38. Production costs
39. Standard costs
40. Distribution costs
41. Divisional reports
42. Fund accounting governmental
43. Fund accounting non-profit organizations
44. Fiduciary accounting
