Dunning J H

Making globalization good: the moral challenges of global capitalism - New York Oxford University Press 2003 - xii,385 p. 23 cm ; Hard Bound


Introduction / John H. Dunning --
1. The Moral Imperatives of Global Capitalism: An Overview / John H. Dunning
2. Private Morality and Capitalism: Learning from the Past / Deepak Lal
3. Institutions and Morality: An Economist's Appraisal / Alan Hamlin
4. Towards a New Paradigm of Development / Joseph Stiglitz
5. Transformation of Society: Implications for Globalization / Jack N. Behrman
6. An Ethical Framework for the Global Market Economy / Hans Kung
7. The Challenge of Global Capitalism: A Christian Perspective / Brian Griffiths
8. The Challenge of Global Capitalism: An Islamic Perspective / Khurshid Ahmad
9. Global Covenant: A Jewish Perspective on Globalization / Jonathan Sacks
10. The Challenge of Global Capitalism: The Perspective of Eastern Religions / David R. Loy.

Making Globalization Good: The Moral Challenges of Global Capitalism by John Dunning
Gordon Brown, Jonathan Sacks, Joseph Stiglitz, Hans Kung, Shirley Williams, and a dozen other leading thinkers in international business and ethics identify the pressing moral issues which global capitalism must answer. How can we develop a global economic architecture, which is efficient, morally acceptable, geographically inclusive and sustainable over time? If global capitalism-arguably the most efficient wealth creating system currently known to man-is to be both economically viable and socially acceptable, each of its four constituent institutions (markets, governments, supranational agencies and civil society) must not only be technically competent, but also be buttressed and challenged by a strong moral ethos. The book includes contributions from leading academics, politicians, and moralists. Recognizing that solutions will not come from any one quarter, and that any serious discussion of a just and equitable system will touch on questions of ethics and faith, the book approaches the issues from a range of different disciplines and forums.

