Banerjee, Debdas

Globalisation, industrial restructuring and labour standards: where India meets the global - New Delhi Sage Publications 2005 - 320p 22 cm ; Hard Bound


Introduction : the scale --
Profit and wage distribution : institutions and organisations --
Wage-productivity and labour market flexibility : global subject and local object --
Wage distribution : skills mismatch? --
Indian corporate sector : profitability, wage bargaining, and limits--contesting grounds of cash labour standards --
Globalisation and labour standards : the agenda beyond WTO.

Providing a necessary corrective, this book analyses the current conditions of work in the Indian factory sector, and provides a critical analysis of the wage, profit and productivity behaviour over the last two decades. Examining the specificities of the conditions of industrial workers, it addresses three major questions: What has happened to the relative shares of profits and wages.

