Thody, Angela

Writing and presenting research - New Delhi Sage Publications 2006 - xii, 264 p. 24 cm ; Pbk


Conventions or alternatives? --
Principles for selecting appropriate writing and presentation styles --
Adapting to audience: adjusting for their aims --
Adapting to audience: adjusting for your purposes --
Arts and craft of writing --
Primary data --
Literature and methodology --
Quantified data --
Qualitative data --
Narrative data --
Beginnings and ends --
Citations: bibliographies, referencing, quotations, notes --
Becoming a presenter --
Getting into print --
Standing on the shoulders of giants: without violating their copyright --
Epilogue --

This book presents a wide-ranging, introductory guide to the choices to be made in deciding how to communicate research findings in documents and presentations


Research Methodology
Proposal writing in research
Report writing
Academic writing