Wong, Lin Hong

Venture capital fund management : a comprehensive approach to investment practices & the entire operations of a VC firm - US Aspatore Inc. 2005 - 492 p. 22 cm; Pbk

Cover --
Table of Contents --
Part I --
VIII. Definition of Venture Capital --
Role of VC. VC as a Funding Source --
Characteristics of VC Investments --
The VC Process --
Notes on Terminology --
2. VC Financing --
Stages of Corporate Development --
Rounds of Financing --
Examples of Financing Rounds --
Staging of Investments --
Skew Effect --
Capitalization Table --
3. VC Organization --
Fund Company Structure --
Multiple Funds --
Compensation Structure --
Management Company Organization --
Investment Staff --
4. Raising Funds --
VC Market Cycles --
Placement Agent --
Limited Partners --
Fund Policies & Strategies --
Investor Criteria --
Offering Document --
Road Show --
Fund-Raising by New VCs. Regulatory Requirements --
5. Limited Partnership Agreement --
Organization of the LPA. Partnership Information --
Capital Commitments --
Compensation --
Covenants & Controls --
Conflicts of Interest --
Disclosure --
Termination --
6. Deal Sourcing --
What To Look For --
Where To Look --
How To Look --
Non-Disclosure Agreement --
Deal Log --
7. Deal Screening --
Deal Meeting --
Deal Alert --
Showstoppers --
Proceeding to Due Diligence --
8. The PDCA Cycle --
Plan Stage --
Do Stage --
Check Stage --
Act Stage --
The Next Cycle --
Advantages of PDCA Approach --
Conclusion of Due Diligence --
9. Due Diligence of Management --
The PDCA Approach --
The CEO. Integrity --
Entrepreneurship --
Commitment --
Adaptability --
Domain Expertise --
Team Dynamics --
Relationship with the VC. Compensation --
10. Due Diligence of Marketing & the Market --
Market Need --
Market Potential --
Market Characteristics --
Marketing Strategies --
Market Risks --
11. Due Diligence of Manufacturing --
Materials --
Production --
Manufacturing Engineering --
Incoming Quality Control --
Quality Assurance --
Research & Development --
Finance & Human Resource --
Plant Tour --
12. Financial Due Diligence --
Past Performance --
Present Performance --
Future Performance --
Risks --
Returns --
Legal Due Diligence --
Corporate Documents --
13. Valuation --
Valuation Factors --
Some Valuation Concepts --
Valuation Methods --
Price-Earnings Ratio Method --
The VC Method --
VC Perspectives on. Valuation --
Other Valuation Methods --
Using Scenarios --
Investment Securities --
Types of Securities --
Preferential Rights --
Preferred Dividend --
Liquidation Preference --
Conversion Rights --
Redemption Rights --
Anti-Dilution Rights --
Registration Rights --
Impact on Returns --
15. Deal Structuring --
Deal Structure Elements --

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Venture capital
Small business investment companies - Management