Sen, Amartya

Idea of justice - New York Penguin Books 2009 - xxviii, 468 P 24 cm ; Hard Bound


pt. I. Demands of Justice --
1. Reason and Objectivity --
2. Rawls and Beyond --
3. Institutions and Persons --
4. Voice and Social Choice --
5. Impartiality and Objectivity --
6. Closed and Open Impartiality --
pt. II. Forms of Reasoning --
7. Position, Relevance and Illusion --
8. Rationality and Other People --
9. Plurality of Impartial Reasons --
10. Realizations, Consequences and Agency --
pt. III. Materials of Justice --
11. Lives, Freedoms and Capabilities --
12. Capabilities and Resources --
13. Happiness, Well-being and Capabilities --
14. Equality and Liberty --
pt. IV. Public Reasoning and Democracy --
15. Democracy as Public Reason --
16. Practice of Democracy --
17. Human Rights and Global Imperatives --
18. Justice and the World.

This major philosophical work, by one of the world's leading public intellectuals, constructs a new theory of justice, not from abstract ideals or notions of what perfect institutions and rules might be, but from what the results of a system are practically, in the world


Social contracts
Human rights--Philosophy