Bodie, Z; Kane, A; Marcus, A J.; Mohanty, P

Investments - 8 - New Delhi Tata McGraw Hill 2009 - xxxi, 1083 P 24 cm ; Pbk

The investment environment --
Financial instruments --
How securities are traded --
Mutual funds and other investment companies --
Portfolio theory --
History of interest rates and risk premiums --
Risk and risk aversion --
Capital allocation between the risky asset and the risk-free asset --
Optimal risky portfolios --
Equilibrium in capital markets --
The capital asset pricing model --
Index models --
Arbitrage pricing theory and multifactor models of risk and return --
Market efficiency and behavioral finance --
Empirical evidence on security returns --
Fixed-income securities --
Bond prices and yields --
The term structure of interest rates --
Managing bond portfolios --
Security analysis --
Macroeconomic and industry analysis --
Equity valuation models --
Financial statement analysis --
Options, futures, and other derivatives --
Options markets: introduction --
Option valuation --
Futures markets --
Futures and swaps: a closer look --
Active portfolio management --
Portfolio performance evaluation --
International diversification --
The process of portfolio management --
The theory of active portfolio management.

