Kohli, Harinder S; Sood, Anil Eds.

India 2039: an affluent society in one generation - New Delhi Sage Publications 2010 - xvii, 281 p. 29 cm ; Hard Bound


Introduction: Determined marathoner or sporadic sprinter?; Part I: India's promise, and imperatives to achieving it; 1 --
India's promise: An affluent society in one generation; 2 --
Realizing the potential: Avoiding the middle income trap; 3 --
Realizing the potential: Managing multiple transformations simultaneously; 4 --
Realizing the potential: Overarching imperative --
Improving governance; Part II: Moving to a cohesive and affluent society.

This book paints a bold and inspiring scenario of India becoming an affluent society by 2039, that is, within a generation from now. It makes a persuasive case as to why such a scenario could be plausible. Even more importantly, the book very appropriately and frankly assess the many hurdles - political, social, policy and institutional - that the country must overcome to realize this vision and lift millions of Indians from relative poverty today to enjoy the fruits of a modern and inclusive affluent society within 30 years or so. Its agenda of inter-generational issues is central to India


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