Utopia of rules: on technology, stupidity, and the secret joys of bureaucracy /
The utopia of rules: on technology, stupidity, and the secret joys of bureaucracy
David Graeber
- Brooklyn :London Melville House 2016
- 261 pages illustrations, map ; 22 cm
Amazon IN-99733 Rs.1413/-
9781612194486 (pbk.)
GBB4E6019 bnb
016975345 Uk
Bureaucracy. Social structure. Power (Social sciences) Liberalism. Technological innovations--Social aspects. Imagination--Social aspects. Stupidity. Bureaucratie. Reglementation. Aspects socio-economiques. Sciences sociales. Liberalisme. Bureaucracy. Imagination--Social aspects. Liberalism. Power (Social sciences) Social structure. Stupidity. Technological innovations--Social aspects. Burokratie. Soziologische Theorie. Bureaucratie. Structure sociale. Pouvoir (sciences sociales) Liberalisme. Innovations--Aspect social. Imagination--Aspect social. Betise.